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Physical Health

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight?

25th June 2024

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight?

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight? The short answer is ‘yes’. If you are new to supplementing with creatine, you may be disconcerted to find that the scales are showing a few extra pounds, but what is causing the weight gain? Could it be down to lean muscle, water retention, or fat? The Good News […]

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science

20th June 2024

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science From the beginning of time man has used nature to provide medicinal healing. Evidence, in the form of early writings and preserved artwork, have shown human awareness of medicinal plants. This awareness was developed over centuries of man’s fight against illness. Gradually the effect provided by the roots, leaves, […]

What is a tincture?

29th May 2024

What Is A Tincture?

What is a Tincture? Have you ever witnessed someone apply a few drops of a mysterious liquid to the back of their tongue from a small bottle, or pop a few drops into their drink in a cafe? The probability is that you were watching the administration of a tincture. If you happen to be […]

Tongkat Ali For Women

7th May 2024

Tongkat Ali For Women

Tongkat Ali For Women Eurycoma longifolia, otherwise known as tongkat ali, is a member of the Simaroubaceae family. It’s a tall, slender, flowering tree, native to the countries of Southeast Asia, where its powerful extracts have been used for centuries in traditional folk medicine. Scientists have thoroughly researched the biological properties of E. longifolia and […]

Digestive Enzymes: What You Need to Know

11th March 2024

Digestive Enzymes: What You Need to Know

Digestive enzymes play a crucial role in maintaining overall digestive health by assisting in the breakdown of food particles into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by your body. Without these enzymes, the digestion process would be inefficient, leading to nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems. What are Digestive Enzymes? Digestive enzymes are proteins released […]

How To Improve Gut Health.

11th March 2024

How To Improve Gut Health

How To Improve Gut Health. The gut is often referred to as the "second brain" and plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Gut health impacts not only our digestion but also influences our immune system, mental health, and more. Understanding the significance of gut health is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. […]

Benefits of Collagen for Men

19th January 2024

Benefits of Collagen for Men

Benefits of Collagen for Men Due to its reputation in the cosmetics sector, collagen has long been considered a supplement primarily for women, but men can reap serious advantages from incorporating collagen into their daily routine. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and wellness. Let’s […]

Collagen for Joints

11th October 2023

Collagen for Joints

Collagen for Joints Dealing with joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility is something many of us face as we get older. Many people have joint problems which can not only limit an active life but reduce ability to get enough sleep. Living with chronic pain is not only debilitating but reduces quality of life. One […]

What is Bovine Collagen?

13th September 2023

What is Bovine Collagen?

What is Bovine Collagen? The beauty industry has been aware of the advantages of collagen for many years, and it has been a popular item on the ingredient list of many cosmetic preparations for maintaining a youthful complexion. However, in recent years science has discovered that taking collagen as a dietary supplement has significant potential […]

Marine Collagen Benefits Blog

5th September 2023

Marine Collagen Benefits

Marine Collagen Benefits Throughout history, people have sought out the mythical fountain of youth, and although we haven't discovered the secret to immortality just yet, science has made us aware of one of nature’s remarkable helpers. Marine collagen is a natural protein, derived from sustainable marine life, which has gained immense popularity in the world […]

Maca Benefits for Women

27th July 2023

Maca Benefits for Women

Maca Benefits for Women Growing wild, thousands of feet above sea level in the Andes mountains, is a vegetable which has been prized for centuries by the indigenous people of Peru. Sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng, maca is known not only for its nutritional value, but also for its power to help women with […]

Ashwagandha for Sleep

27th June 2023

Ashwagandha For Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Do you always feel tired and long for natural, non-chemically induced, rejuvenating slumber? Using Ashwagandha for sleep may be just what you need. What is Ashwagandha? Sometimes called Indian Ginseng and sometimes known as Winter Cherry, ashwagandha is a plant which is native to India, northern […]

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