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Supplement Place Blog

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight?

25th June 2024

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight?

Can Creatine Make You Gain Weight? The short answer is ‘yes’. If you are new to supplementing with creatine, you may be disconcerted to find that the scales are showing a few extra pounds, but what is causing the weight gain? Could it be down to lean muscle, water retention, or fat? The Good News […]

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science

20th June 2024

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science

Healing Herbs: From Folklore to Science From the beginning of time man has used nature to provide medicinal healing. Evidence, in the form of early writings and preserved artwork, have shown human awareness of medicinal plants. This awareness was developed over centuries of man’s fight against illness. Gradually the effect provided by the roots, leaves, […]

What is a tincture?

29th May 2024

What Is A Tincture?

What is a Tincture? Have you ever witnessed someone apply a few drops of a mysterious liquid to the back of their tongue from a small bottle, or pop a few drops into their drink in a cafe? The probability is that you were watching the administration of a tincture. If you happen to be […]

Tongkat Ali For Women

7th May 2024

Tongkat Ali For Women

Tongkat Ali For Women Eurycoma longifolia, otherwise known as tongkat ali, is a member of the Simaroubaceae family. It’s a tall, slender, flowering tree, native to the countries of Southeast Asia, where its powerful extracts have been used for centuries in traditional folk medicine. Scientists have thoroughly researched the biological properties of E. longifolia and […]

Magnesium For Menopause

16th April 2024

Magnesium For Menopause

Magnesium For Menopause As one of the most important minerals in the human body, magnesium plays a crucial role in supporting women's health during the menopausal transition. It helps strengthen bones, balance hormones, and influences mood regulation. Fluctuations in hormone levels can lead to various symptoms such as hot flushes, insomnia, mood swings, brain fog, […]

Vitamins for Tiredness

25th March 2024

Vitamins for Tiredness

Feelings of fatigue and low energy levels can greatly impact our daily lives. Whether it's struggling to stay focused at work, keeping up with a busy family life, or finding the energy to engage in activities we enjoy, fatigue can be a major obstacle. But which are the best vitamins for tiredness? In this blog […]

Digestive Enzymes: What You Need to Know

11th March 2024

Digestive Enzymes: What You Need to Know

Digestive enzymes play a crucial role in maintaining overall digestive health by assisting in the breakdown of food particles into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by your body. Without these enzymes, the digestion process would be inefficient, leading to nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems. What are Digestive Enzymes? Digestive enzymes are proteins released […]

How To Improve Gut Health.

11th March 2024

How To Improve Gut Health

How To Improve Gut Health. The gut is often referred to as the "second brain" and plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Gut health impacts not only our digestion but also influences our immune system, mental health, and more. Understanding the significance of gut health is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life. […]

Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits

13th February 2024

Vitamin D3 and K2 Benefits

Vitamins D3 and K2 are both essential nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. While you may be aware of the importance of each of these vitamins individually, what you may not know is that they work in synergy to give certain major health benefits. In this blog post we […]

Vitamin K2 Benefits: Unlocking the Secrets to a Healthier You

23rd January 2024

Vitamin K2 Benefits: Unlocking the Secrets to a Healthier You

When it comes to our health, we know that vitamins and minerals are the building blocks that support our overall well-being. Perhaps vitamin K2 is not as familiar to you as vitamins A, B, C and D, but it has a major role in balancing your health. In this blog, we're taking a closer look […]

Female Fertility Test

22nd January 2024

Female Fertility Test

Female Fertility Test When it comes to overall well-being, reproductive health is often overlooked. Understanding and taking care of your fertility is paramount if you are planning to start a family. While you may hear of numerous cases where couples conceive without any problems, the truth is that many couples struggle, so if you are […]

Fertility Supplements for Women

19th January 2024

Fertility Supplements for Women

Fertility Supplements for Women Infertility can be a distressing and challenging journey for many women. The desire to unlock the potential of fertility and conceive a child is a deeply ingrained instinct. Thankfully, there are natural supplements available that can support reproductive health and hormonal balance, helping women increase their chances of conception. In this […]

Male Fertility Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Male Reproductive Health

19th January 2024

Male Fertility Test

Male Fertility Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Male Reproductive Health When it comes to reproductive health, focus is often primarily on women. However, male fertility tests are instrumental in evaluating and addressing potential issues that may hinder conception. In this blog, we’ll look at the options for male fertility testing, providing you with a […]

Male Fertility Supplements

19th January 2024

Male Fertility Supplements

Male Fertility Supplements: Boost Your Reproductive Health Naturally When it comes to starting a family, male fertility plays a crucial role in the conception process. Maintaining optimal reproductive health is essential for couples trying to conceive. Thankfully, there's a natural fertility boost available in the form of male fertility supplements. These supplements can support sperm […]

Benefits of Collagen for Men

19th January 2024

Benefits of Collagen for Men

Benefits of Collagen for Men Due to its reputation in the cosmetics sector, collagen has long been considered a supplement primarily for women, but men can reap serious advantages from incorporating collagen into their daily routine. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and wellness. Let’s […]

Collagen for Hair

19th January 2024

Collagen for Hair

In the quest for healthy, beautiful hair, it’s easy to be lured by the many cosmetic products on the market with their promises of lustrous locks, added volume and a silky texture. These tempting words may cause you to overlook a natural and essential protein which forms the very foundation of healthy hair. Let’s take […]

Collagen for Joints

11th October 2023

Collagen for Joints

Collagen for Joints Dealing with joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility is something many of us face as we get older. Many people have joint problems which can not only limit an active life but reduce ability to get enough sleep. Living with chronic pain is not only debilitating but reduces quality of life. One […]

Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen

21st September 2023

Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen

Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen In the world of collagen supplements, two types stand out: marine collagen and bovine collagen. Marine collagen is sourced from fish, while bovine collagen comes from cattle. Both have their own unique benefits and differences, which we will explore in this blog, Marine Collagen vs Bovine Collagen, to help you […]

What is Bovine Collagen?

13th September 2023

What is Bovine Collagen?

What is Bovine Collagen? The beauty industry has been aware of the advantages of collagen for many years, and it has been a popular item on the ingredient list of many cosmetic preparations for maintaining a youthful complexion. However, in recent years science has discovered that taking collagen as a dietary supplement has significant potential […]

Marine Collagen Benefits Blog

5th September 2023

Marine Collagen Benefits

Marine Collagen Benefits Throughout history, people have sought out the mythical fountain of youth, and although we haven't discovered the secret to immortality just yet, science has made us aware of one of nature’s remarkable helpers. Marine collagen is a natural protein, derived from sustainable marine life, which has gained immense popularity in the world […]

Ashwagandha vs Maca Blog

18th August 2023

Ashwagandha vs Maca

Ashwagandha vs Maca In the world of natural health, adaptogens have gained significant attention for their ability to support stress management, boost energy, restore and maintain hormonal balance, support the immune system, and aid cognitive function. These natural supplements, derived from traditional herbs, offer a comprehensive approach to overall wellbeing. In this blog we will […]

Yellow Maca Benefits

10th August 2023

Yellow Maca Benefits

Yellow Maca Benefits Not just any root vegetable, not even just a superfood, yellow maca has been a cornerstone of traditional Peruvian food and medicine for over two thousand years and is now treasured all over the world for its remarkable health benefits. Packed with a cocktail of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, yellow maca […]

Black Maca Health Benefits

8th August 2023

Black Maca: Health Benefits

Health Properties of Black Maca A root vegetable from Peru, celebrated for its energy boosting nutrients, and its ability to enhance stamina, vitality, and hormonal balance. But beyond the colour of its skin, what are the special attributes that sets black maca apart from its red and yellow cousins, and why is it reputed to […]

Red Maca Root

4th August 2023

Red Maca Root

Red Maca Root It’s not only the vibrant colour that sets it apart from other maca varieties, with its high phytonutrient content, red maca root provides significant benefits to women. Read on to discover the very specific and unique properties that make red maca the supplement of choice both for fertility and improved libido. A […]

Maca Benefits for Women

27th July 2023

Maca Benefits for Women

Maca Benefits for Women Growing wild, thousands of feet above sea level in the Andes mountains, is a vegetable which has been prized for centuries by the indigenous people of Peru. Sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng, maca is known not only for its nutritional value, but also for its power to help women with […]

Ashwagandha for Menopause

13th July 2023

Ashwagandha for Menopause

Ashwagandha for Menopause For every woman there comes a time in her life that marks the end of fertility and the beginning of physical and emotional changes. Whilst some women breeze through this transitional phase, for others it can be a time of challenge. Have you considered Ashwagandha for menopause? Ashwagandha for Menopause: A Natural […]

Ashwagandha for Sleep

27th June 2023

Ashwagandha For Sleep

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Do you always feel tired and long for natural, non-chemically induced, rejuvenating slumber? Using Ashwagandha for sleep may be just what you need. What is Ashwagandha? Sometimes called Indian Ginseng and sometimes known as Winter Cherry, ashwagandha is a plant which is native to India, northern […]

The Benefits of Ashwagandha for Females

19th June 2023

The Benefits of Ashwagandha for Females; Too Many To Ignore

Are you looking for a natural way to enhance your health? Then you may want to learn more about ashwagandha. In this blog post, we explore ashwagandha’s role in alternative medicine, and unveil what makes it such a valuable herb for women's health and wellness. Ashwagandha Benefits for Females, What are they?   With its […]

Ashwagandha benefits for men.

7th June 2023

Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

Ashwagandha Benefits for Men In the search for a natural remedy to promote and restore physical, sexual, and mental equilibrium, this ancient, and scientifically acclaimed supplement may be just what you are looking for. Ashwagandha benefits for men are endless! This blog will delve into the science behind how ashwagandha can help ease the symptoms […]

Discover the Power of Natural Antihistamines

24th April 2023

Stop Allergy Symptoms in Their Tracks: Discover the Power of Natural Antihistamines

Allergies affect millions of people worldwide, causing symptoms such as sneezes, runny noses, itchy eyes, hives, asthma, and hay fever. Seasonal allergies brought on by pollen can be a nightmare, but did you know that there are natural remedies for allergy relief? What Are Natural Antihistamines? Various foods, herbs, and essential minerals can provide help […]

Understanding Metabolic Syndrome

21st March 2023

Understanding Metabolic Syndrome: Causes, Risks, and Treatment

Understanding Metabolic Syndrome You may have heard or read about it, but if not, you’re certainly not alone. Metabolic syndrome is a medical term for a cluster of conditions that occur together and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke. In this blog, we’ll discuss the causes and risks associated with metabolic […]

The Surprising Benefits of Ginger

8th March 2023

Spice Up Your Health: The Surprising Benefits of Ginger

A member of the same botanical family as turmeric and cardamom, ginger has an aroma and flavour well known to most of us from the biscuits, ginger beer, and bonfire-night parkin of childhood to mixers for spirits. But there is much more to this popular spice than we may have realised. It would appear from […]

The Complete Guide to Endometriosis: What Is It and How Can Natural Remedies Help?

14th February 2023

The Complete Guide to Endometriosis: What Is It and How Can Natural Remedies Help?

Often misdiagnosed or under diagnosed, many women who have the condition don’t even know it, yet endometriosis is believed to affect an estimated one in ten women of reproductive age. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including painful periods, pelvic pain, and infertility. In this guide, we’ll provide an overview of endometriosis, including what […]

Unlock the Incredible Benefits of Vitamin B Complex.

27th January 2023

Unlock the Incredible Benefits of Vitamin B Complex.

What exactly are these benefits of Vitamin B Complex? Think extra energy, stress relief, improved skin and hair, weight loss, efficient digestion, immune system support and mental clarity. Unlocking the benefits of B vitamins can be a game changer. In this blog we’ll explain why B vitamins are so important, how to get the most […]

A Guide to Choosing the Right Supplements for Diabetes

19th January 2023

A Guide to Choosing the Right Supplements for Diabetes

Are you living with diabetes? If so, you may have heard that dietary supplements can help you manage your blood-sugar levels. But with so many supplements available, it can be hard to know which ones are best for you and your condition. In this blog we will look at the various supplements that may be […]

Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion

9th December 2022

Heartburn, Acid Reflux, Indigestion: Three Imposters, and How to Deal with Them

That burning sensation low in your gut, gradually extending upward and outward. The hot acid that backs up into your oesophagus, scorching the lining of your throat, and the pain that feels like a hot brick stuck somewhere in your upper chest. These symptoms often occur after a stressful day or following a heavy meal. […]

Dispelling the Rheumas: All You Need to Know About Arthritis

2nd November 2022

Dispelling the Rheumas: All You Need to Know About Arthritis

It’s a word that means ‘painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.’ That’s the dictionary’s definition of arthritis, but it doesn’t apply to just one condition. The term arthritis is an umbrella term for many types of joint disease, all with different underlying causes and symptoms. What is Arthritis? Many people suffer with at least […]

The Amazing Benefits of Moringa

25th October 2022

The Amazing Benefits of Moringa

Have you heard about the amazing benefits of moringa? Despite centuries of acclaim in ancient eastern medicine, we are only just beginning to learn more about the overwhelming potential of the moringa tree. Moringa Oleifera is a highly powerful adaptogen, and one of the most nutrient-dense plants, giving natural support to numerous health issues, as […]

Cramp: Types, Causes and Remedies

29th September 2022

Cramp: Types, Causes and Remedies

An ever-tightening band around your calf muscle, a squeezing and knotting pain, getting tighter until you can’t imagine how to make it release its grip. But what is it and why does it suddenly assault you? What is Cramp? It can strike in any part of the body where there is muscle tissue. Cramp is […]


12th September 2022

BHB Exogenous Ketones Explained

If you are following a ketogenic diet, practicing intermittent fasting or just cutting down on carbs, beta hydroxybutyrate ketones (BHB) may be something you’d like to know more about. What are Beta Hydroxybutyrate Ketones? When you adopt a diet that includes protein and fats, but is very low in carbs, including sugar, your liver produces […]

Why Are We Wild About Saffron?

31st August 2022

Why Are We Wild About Saffron?

Prized in Ayurvedic, Chinese and Arabic medicine for centuries, the crocus sativus flower gives us saffron, the most expensive spice in the world. Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, mood enhancer, memory booster, and anti-inflammatory, medical research has now verified this ancient knowledge, as well as discovering yet more health benefits from saffron. The Secrets of […]

All About Migraines

18th August 2022

All About Migraines

Looking at the many aspects of living with migraine headaches as well as the diverse symptoms associated with various types of migraine. We will also venture into the field of symptoms, pain relief, and possible prevention. When is a Headache a Migraine? It’s not always easy to be sure whether the headache you are suffering […]

Taking Care of Your Prostate

27th June 2022

Taking Care of Your Prostate

For reasons that remain unexplained, the prostate enlarges as a man gets older, causing various urinary issues as the expanding gland restricts flow from the bladder. By sixty years of age these effects are experienced by a great many men, and by eighty, very few have escaped the problem. However, what we do known is […]

omega 3 blocks capsules

9th June 2022

Omega 3: Essential Life Support

Medical Science has been discovering the value of this nutrient for a very long time. Omega-3 is classed as an ‘essential’ fatty acid for a good reason. Even in the early 1950s when the National Health was in its infancy, mothers were given bottles of cod liver oil for their children because the value of […]

Nutrient Deficiencies: How to Spot Them, and How They Affect Your Health

5th May 2022

Nutrient Deficiencies: How to Spot Them, and How They Affect Your Health

How can you know for sure which vitamins you may be lacking? Here are some general guidelines to give you an idea of what to look out for when it comes to keeping that nutritional balance just right, including symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. Tell-Tale Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies We live in a time and place […]

Antioxidants: The Ultimate Repair Kit for Your Skin, Hair, and General Health

22nd April 2022

Antioxidants: The Ultimate Repair Kit for Your Skin, Hair, and General Health

Cellular preservation and regeneration are key requirements when it comes to enjoying good health. When your body is functioning as it should you look and feel great and this is achieved, to a great extent, by your cells maintaining a molecular balance so that oxidative stress is minimised. Antioxidants are key and understanding the process […]

Probiotics and Prebiotics: What are they and why do you need them?

24th March 2022

Probiotics and Prebiotics: What are they and why do you need them?

Your gut plays host to an army of live, friendly bacteria, known as gut flora or microbiota. These bacteria are vital for a healthy digestive system and are called probiotics. The saying goes that an army marches on its stomach, and the probiotics in your gut are no exception. They need to be fed and […]

Supplement Extracts – What do they mean?

28th February 2022

Supplement Extracts – What do they mean?

Supplement Extracts Supplement extracts are great for our health, but can be very confusing. Capsules, tablets, tinctures, tisanes, mg, %, ratios, what does it all mean?! Read on... Natural supplements are usually made of plant extracts. Supplement extracts can be whole, concentrated, or a specific compound can be extracted. There are plenty of methods of […]

Magnesium Citrate: The Gentle Giant

25th February 2022

Magnesium Citrate: The Gentle Giant

It plays a vital role in over 300 essential chemical reactions inside your body, yet your body can’t manufacture it. You can only obtain it from diet, and yet a huge number of people in the western world don’t manage to eat enough magnesium-rich foods to keep their bodies working effectively. What is Magnesium Citrate? […]

Magnesium Bisglycinate: A Mineral Worth Its Salt

1st February 2022

Magnesium Bisglycinate: A Mineral Worth Its Salt

Magnesium is one of the prime minerals on the earth and in the sea. We are surrounded by its presence in plants, trees, animals, and in us. Every cell in our body contains magnesium, and it is an essential mineral for the healthy functioning of our brain, heart, and skeletal muscles. What is Magnesium Bisglycinate? […]

Magnesium Malate: What is it, and how can it help you?

23rd December 2021

Magnesium Malate: What is it, and how can it help you?

The apple (botanical name Malus) is well known as a powerhouse of nutrients, and apples, along with various other fruits, contain a chemical acid that has certain health-giving properties. We’ve all heard the old saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ so there has long been an awareness that something within the chemistry […]

Magnesium L-Threonate: A scientific breakthrough in neuroprotective therapy

26th November 2021

Magnesium L-Threonate: A scientific breakthrough in neuroprotective therapy

So vital is it for good health it has been nicknamed the ‘master mineral,’ yet until very recently the therapeutic use of magnesium to target cognitive function was limited due to the restrictions posed in passing through the blood-brain barrier. Medical science has now developed a synthesized form of magnesium that is able to cross […]

Men’s Health: Mind, Body and Sex Life

4th November 2021

Men’s Health: Mind, Body and Sex Life

Getting it right in terms of general health doesn’t just happen, it takes quite a bit of thought in terms of research and planning. Being informed about what harms and what helps can be a lifesaver, and the more you find out, the more you realise that looking after yourself is a holistic process. Your […]

Is Stress and Anxiety Affecting Your Mental Health?

8th October 2021

Is Stress and Anxiety Affecting Your Mental Health?

Centuries of stereotyping men as the superhuman beings who must at all times display a ‘stiff upper lip’, be the breadwinners, be always in control, coping, strong and silent, is only just now beginning to be unpicked and thrown out for the delusion it is. The Reality of Stress and Anxiety on Your Health Sometimes, […]

Low Testosterone: How it Affects Your Sexual Health

28th September 2021

Low Testosterone: How it Affects Your Sexual Health

There are certain myths bandied about when it comes to the issue of low testosterone. Let’s check out the scientific evidence and get some pointers on how to manage the physical and emotional side of what really happens when your hormones levels are changing. Sorting Fact from Fiction on Testosterone Is low testosterone a normal […]

Is Poor Circulation Affecting Your Sex Life?

17th September 2021

Is Poor Circulation Affecting Your Sex Life?

Blood flow is one of the bodily functions you tend to be blissfully unaware of until it begins to let you down. How much extra blood does your penis need for an erection you may wonder. Surely everything can’t be down to blood flow. How Much Blood is Needed for an Erection? The amount varies […]

Male Menopause: Really?

2nd September 2021

Male Menopause: Really?

It would seem that women are not alone in experiencing troublesome symptoms when they reach a certain age. If you are noticing conditions akin to those suffered by females during the change of life, you are one of many men to suspect the existence of a male equivalent of the menopause. But what does medical […]

Libido Booster For Men

11th August 2021

Libido Booster For Men

Sexual desire is hard to define. It not only has a slightly different meaning to every individual, but its force and frequency varies too. The feelings, both emotional and physical, engendered by your sex drive, or libido to give it its Latin name, cannot be standardised into a one-fits-all rule. So how can you know […]

Good Circulation for a Healthy Heart

21st July 2021

Good Circulation for a Healthy Heart

Your heart is so much more than just an amazing pump. For the whole of your life its perpetual beat moves plasma around your body. This fluid, circulating through your arteries, capillaries and veins, contains the oxygen and nutrients needed to nourish every cell in your body, as well as carrying away waste matter and […]

Cholesterol and Your Heart

30th June 2021

Cholesterol and Your Heart

It’s part of the outer layer of every cell and without it your digestive system couldn’t function. Without it your body couldn’t make vitamin D or the hormones that protect bones, teeth, and muscles. So, what is the big problem with cholesterol? What Is Cholesterol And How Does It Work? Cholesterol is a fatty substance […]

Your Heart and Your Energy Levels

10th June 2021

Your Heart and Your Energy Levels

It’s not easy to exercise when you’re feeling exhausted and there are times when curling up in a comfy chair with a good book may well be the best therapy. But despite the lure of the couch, remember that when energy levels are low, physical movement is your saving grace. Exercise is what causes the […]

Nootropics for Memory

7th May 2021

Nootropics for Memory

Memory-Saving Nootropics The passing years can bring memory deterioration, but what is the cause, and how can you avoid it? The good news is that it’s not the luck of the draw as was once feared. Science has firmly established that impaired memory has everything to do with brain chemistry and nothing whatsoever to do […]

Nootropics for Focus and Mental Clarity

14th April 2021

Nootropics for Focus and Mental Clarity

‘Smart’ supplements are being heralded as the way forward in achieving enhanced powers of concentration. The question of how exactly this family of natural compounds can light up the brain’s neurotransmission systems to affect a sharper cognitive function is one that has been the subject of much research. The answers are sometimes surprising and always […]

Nootropics For Anxiety

26th March 2021

Nootropics For Anxiety

Short bursts of stress can help you achieve great things, even saving you from danger. It’s when stress becomes a constant companion that it can push you into a state of anxiety, and prolonged anxiety can lead to depression. The great thing is though, you can fully recover from anxiety disorder and from depression. Here […]

Natural Nootropics, What Are They?

16th March 2021

Natural Nootropics, What Are They?

There are health enhancers and panaceas for pretty much every part of your body, but the amazing computer which keeps it all ticking over can sometimes need support too. Cognitive function which drives every mental ability is dependent upon the health of your brain. The term nootropic refers to substances obtained from certain foods, natural […]

The Importance of Sleep

2nd March 2021

The Importance of Sleep

Why is Sleep Important? It’s up there with nutrition, water and exercise. Sleep is one of the things essential to your health, and to go a stage further, when it comes to survival it’s on a par with the ability to breathe fresh air. The Science of Sleep We’ve always known that sleep is the […]

Menopause Supplements Trial Results

15th February 2021

Menopause Supplements Trial Results

In 2019 we created, by means of our nutritional expertise and the powerhouse of healing provided by Mother Nature, two new supplements specifically to support women through the physical and emotional rollercoaster of menopause and perimenopause. The supplements, which were the subject of our study, consist of two different blends of natural herbal compounds known […]

Searches For Viagra Online Peak Before Valentine's Day

5th February 2021

Searches For Viagra Online Peak Before Valentine's Day

Roses are red, viagra is blue…?? This month, love is in the air, and with V-day just around the corner it seems there's something else on everyone's minds...   According to research from Supplement Place searches for ‘sex supplements’ worldwide have seen a peak in January, with the UK showing a specific interest in the […]

Menopause and Joint Pain

19th January 2021

Menopause and Joint Pain

We know about mood swings, hot flushes, night sweats and dizzy spells, but joint pain…? Can menopause really be blamed for those aching shoulders and knees? We discuss the connection between menopause and joint pain. Connection Between Menopause and Joint Pain The fact that increased levels of pain very often present themselves at the same […]

Menopause Can Be A Headache...

8th January 2021

Menopause Can Be A Headache...

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. For many women headaches are connected to fluctuating hormone levels but after menopause they often become less intense and may even ease off significantly. Why Are Headaches Connected to Menopause? Headaches often occur during the time of approaching menopause, which is usually between the ages […]

Can Menopause Cause Dizziness?

3rd December 2020

Can Menopause Cause Dizziness?

It is a medically recognised fact that feelings of dizziness are commonly experienced at the time of perimenopause as well as during menopause itself. The term ‘dizzy’ is used to cover three main sensations and all three have different causes. It helps to identify which kind you’re experiencing before seeking the best management plan. Various […]

Fatigue and Low Energy: Could Menopause be the Culprit?

9th November 2020

Fatigue and Low Energy: Could Menopause be the Culprit?

With the change of life comes a plethora of physical and emotional challenges with which the mind and body has to cope. One of these is a feeling of almost constant exhaustion, yet most women blame their chronic tiredness on anything other than what is happening to their hormones. Yes, Menopause Can Cause Fatigue. But […]

Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate: Turning Back the Years

16th October 2020

Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate: Turning Back the Years

Are you fortunate enough to recall your great-grandparents? Or if not, you may have seen sepia photographs of them? What you will almost certainly have noticed was that they appeared much older for their age than do the elders of today. Things are so different now; we strive to make our senior years as enjoyable […]

Benefits of Pine Bark Extract

11th February 2020

Benefits of Pine Bark Extract

In the 1950s Jacques Masquelier, a French researcher, discovered a class of flavonoids which were found to improve circulation and repair tissue in the body. Eventually Masquelier’s search for an efficient source of this substance led him to the pine trees which grow along the coastline of southern France. What is Maritime Pine Bark Extract? […]

Low Libido in Women. The Reasons Why!

19th November 2019

Low Libido in Women. The Reasons Why!

Why do Women Lose their Sexual Desire? Sometimes it just doesn’t happen. The flame of sexual desire is reduced to a smoulder or seems to have fizzled out completely. Maybe this is causing you distress, or perhaps from where you are at the moment, you don’t really care. But what if you really do care? […]

Aphrodisiac for Women: Folklore or Fact?

4th November 2019

Aphrodisiac for Women: Folklore or Fact?

What is an Aphrodisiac? Think of what it would take to light the fireworks of desire. Sometimes it just happens naturally because of the brain’s own chemistry which switches on when we fall in love. But sometimes, for various reasons, we need a little help along the way. Woven into the folklore of ancient cultures […]

What is Tisane? The Difference Between Tisane and Tea

1st July 2019

What is Tisane? The Difference Between Tisane and Tea

The practice of supporting good health with infusions made from leaves, berries and flowers has been recorded in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine going back for as long as history is recorded. A mere 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates verified to the Western world the healing power of herbal therapy, but over time, and with the advent […]

supplement place tv ad

12th June 2019

Supplement Place TV Advert

When life is so busy it makes you feel dizzy, nutrition is sometimes neglected. Where diet omissions meet lifestyle conditions, results are often reflected. Providing nutrition, our passion and mission for you, we expertly serve. Selective ingredients and all so convenient, our best you truly deserve. Food supplement choice, and our helpful voice. Our aim? […]

A Complete Guide to Visceral Fat Ratings and Readings

15th May 2019

A Complete Guide to Visceral Fat Ratings and Readings

Visceral Fat Rating: How much is too much? Everyone needs a certain amount of visceral fat for good health, but the amount is critical. Too little or too much spells trouble. But how do we recognise the fine line between safe and lethal? Systems to Measure and Rate Visceral Fat There are a limited number […]

How Vitamin D is made for Supplements, Medicine and Food Additives?

15th May 2019

How Vitamin D is made for Supplements, Medicine and Food Additives?

Science Versus Sunshine: How vitamin D is made in a laboratory. Rickets was a disease which died out with the Victorian era, or so we thought, but a 'Food Unwrapped' documentary screened by BBC Channel 4 reveals the disturbing truth — that it has made a come-back. The programme presenter, Jimmy Doherty, is on a […]

Measuring Visceral Fat: The Inside Story

15th May 2019

Measuring Visceral Fat: The Inside Story

They say ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ but when it comes to the store of fat hiding within the muscle walls of your abdomen, you really do need to know about it. Learning to assess your visceral fat level is a positive move in the quest to protect yourself from the types of disease […]

What is Inulin? The Ultimate FAQ Guide to Inulin

15th May 2019

What is Inulin? The Ultimate FAQ Guide to Inulin

What is inulin? 90+ Inulin related questions dedicated to how, what, when, why, where, which, who and many more. We get so many questions relating to inulin, we decided to create the ultimate FAQ guide as a resource for all our customers, as well as the World Wide Web. So if your question is HOW, […]

Herbal Viagra Poses Stiff Competition

15th May 2019

Herbal Viagra Poses Stiff Competition

Herbal Viagra in the UK. What are the Best Options? Long before the development of the little blue pill, ancient civilisations already knew a thing or two when it came to dealing with sexual issues. Over the centuries the western world has managed to rumble many of their secrets, and get its hands on the […]

Angela Rippon Reveals How to Stay Young With Inulin

15th May 2019

Angela Rippon Reveals How to Stay Young With Inulin

Early in the spring of 2016, highly-respected broadcaster, Angela Rippon OBE, caused something of a stir. The effect of the revelation, made during the screening of her co-presented documentary programme on the science of staying young, sent ripples of surprise not just among the disciples of health and nutrition, but throughout the television-viewing public in […]

Top 4 Essential Vitamins You Need Daily

14th May 2019

Top 4 Essential Vitamins You Need Daily

Supplements and vitamins can help immensely in the battle for health during the winter months. Making sure you get all of the good nutrients to build up your immune system, energy centres, bone health and the other benefits are vital to greater wellbeing. So what are the essential vitamins you need? Multi-Vitamin Vitamin D Omega […]

Top 5 Tips to Good Health

13th May 2019

Top 5 Tips to Good Health

The first few weeks of a new year are often the times when we find ourselves thinking about making changes to improve our life. Not surprisingly, as those years fly by, we begin to understand that good health is the most important thing we have. Let’s face it, making the commitment to give ourselves maximum […]

Getting Enough Vitamin D?

13th May 2019

Getting Enough Vitamin D?

What do scientists say? Scientists have recently revealed something you may already have suspected — that lack of sunshine is bad for your health... The sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is the element that our body produces when the sun shines on our skin, but we need that vitamin all year round, not just in the […]

Using Baobab Fruit Powder as a Prebiotic

9th May 2019

Using Baobab Fruit Powder as a Prebiotic

“All Disease Begins in The Gut.” - Hippocrates. Fibre helps with digestion and gut health. Not only is Baobab over 50% dietary fibre, but it also acts as a prebiotic, keeping the good bacteria in your gut happy. What is Baobab? Known as the “Tree of Life”, the baobab tree has held important significance in […]

How to Improve Mental Health for Happiness & Fulfilment

8th May 2019

How to Improve Mental Health for Happiness & Fulfilment

How thinking about your mind can improve mental health How much attention do you give to the significance of your mind’s impact on your day-to-day existence? Mental health is largely overlooked with regard to routine and wellbeing. Think about it, trying to motivate yourself to get out of bed and get to work on a […]

8 Tips to Improve Health and Wellbeing

8th May 2019

8 Tips to Improve Health and Wellbeing

8 Tips to Improve Health and Wellbeing Get plenty of sleep Get as much exercise as you can Eating a healthy balanced diet Keep cholesterol under control Get your eyes tested Cocoa before bed! Maintain an active mind Look after your heart 1 in 4 people experience a mental health issue of some degree in […]

Deaths from Supplements?

8th May 2019

Deaths from Supplements?

Zero Deaths from Supplements, Tens of Thousands of Deaths from Prescription Drugs We keep on hearing the scare stories on the news and from the daily newspapers, so let's put this into perspective. Unfortunately, we can't find similar figures from the UK authorities but the US FDA and the National Poison Data System (NPDS) seem […]

Holland Barrett Liquid Curcumin vs Supplement Place liquid curcumin hero image

2nd May 2019

Holland & Barrett Liquid Curcumin vs Supplement Place Liquid Curcumin | Review

If one medicinal spice gives pharmaceutical companies reason to be afraid, that spice is undoubtedly turmeric. The fact is, that rather than causing more side effects than therapeutic benefits, which unfortunately is the norm with most patented pharmaceutical products, turmeric (or to be precise, it’s active ingredient, curcumin) has been proven to give a huge […]

Holland Barrett Turmeric vs Supplement Place curcumin black pepper hero image

1st May 2019

Holland & Barrett Turmeric vs Supplement Place Turmeric | A Review & Comparison

What is it about Turmeric that makes it so special? Why has it been the most researched natural spice ever? And why has science confirmed that curcumin, the active compound found within the turmeric root, is as effective as fourteen different pharmaceutical drugs? These are just some of the questions that are well worth airing […]

Probiotics and Digestive Health

30th April 2019

Probiotics and Digestive Health

The health benefits of probiotics on digestive health Probiotics are strongly believed to be a vital component of good health as they offer incredible support to the condition of your digestive system, immune system, brain health and emotional wellbeing. Regular analysis of probiotics reveals the importance of correctly balanced gut flora and its effects on […]

Rhodiola Rosea Extract

8th April 2019

Rhodiola Rosea Extract

In recent years, consuming an adaptogenic plant-based supplement has become a common alternative method for people trying to increase their energy and improve their physical endurance. Rhodiola rosea extract remains among the more scientifically studied and supported of these specialized herbal remedies. What Is Rhodiola? The plant from which this extract derives is simply called […]

Male Enhancement Pills: The Scientific Route

8th April 2019

Male Enhancement Pills: The Scientific Route

Many advertisements, particularly on the internet, promote ‘male enhancement pills’. These products have nothing to do with restoring a full head of hair or even developing an impressive six-pack; they’re specifically targeting men with sexual problems. Some advertisements will claim that their pills will increase penis size. They may also claim to make you into […]

Alzheimer's Disease and the Connection to Visceral Fat

8th April 2019

Alzheimer's Disease and the Connection to Visceral Fat

Can Visceral Fat really lead to Alzheimer's Disease? Various reports have been doing the rounds claiming that the presence of too much internal fat, the sort that is wrapped around our abdominal organs such as heart, liver and pancreas, may have a bearing on the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. From the results of extensive studies, […]

Creative Ways On How To Take Turmeric Naturally

1st April 2019

Creative Ways On How To Take Turmeric Naturally

Getting to the Root of Turmeric Although it can be cultivated in other tropical areas, India is where most of the world’s turmeric grows. The root of the turmeric plant, also known by its Latin name of Curcuma Longa, has been used by the people of India as a preventative medicine, a powerful healer and […]

Curcumin Benefits

28th March 2019

Curcumin Benefits

Spotlight on Curcumin: The Golden Ingredient in Turmeric One of the most researched nutritional supplements, turmeric has been found to give serious protection against inflammation throughout the body and brain. Here are the scientifically-proven facts on why this golden spice is so valuable to mankind...   Active Ingredient of Turmeric Turmeric is a rhizomatous plant, […]

Love the skin that you're wrapped in

28th March 2019

Love the skin that you're wrapped in

Make The Natural Choices Just because we’re passionate about healthy living, thrive on natural products and remain steadfastly aware of the impact our very existence has on this planet we borrow, doesn’t mean we can expect everybody else to feel the same way. That would be rather a lot to ask. But while we think […]

Sexual Health and Fulfilment: Mind, Body and even Soul

28th March 2019

Sexual Health and Fulfilment: Mind, Body and even Soul

Sexual Health Matters It’s a fact that relationships need constant input if they are to flourish and it would seem that the balance of mental and physical wellbeing may also need that certain X-factor to create a fulfilled union. Fortunately, there are some powerful secret weapons for maximising sexual health and revving up the libido […]

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the Best Treatments

28th March 2019

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and the Best Treatments

Sorry is the Hardest Word when it comes to Impotence Without proper communication and understanding, impotence can be a source of great misunderstanding and embarrassment. But thankfully those days when the word was muttered in hushed tones are gone. Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED), as it is also known, is no longer a taboo subject, […]

Visceral Fat and Type 2 Diabetes: What’s the Connection?

28th March 2019

Visceral Fat and Type 2 Diabetes: What’s the Connection?

Type 2 diabetes carries the label ‘lifestyle disease’, and is one of the epidemics of our hectic way of life is stress. Did you realise that as you strive to be all things to all people, that your stress hormones are busy packing away dangerous levels of fat around your internal organs? One, in particular, […]

The Only Way is Up: What is the Best Viagra Alternative?

28th March 2019

The Only Way is Up: What is the Best Viagra Alternative?

For many, the problem of erectile dysfunction (ED) is a temporary blip in an otherwise fulfilling sex life, but for some it can be more long term, resulting in distress and even depression. Looking on the bright side, there are some very effective remedies out there. So let’s get to grips with the question of […]

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